Oct 11, 2011

Rocktober: Rocking the Daisies

I'm back in Cape Town after an epic weekend at Rocking the Daisies 2011. It was my 5th RTD and it most definitely lived up to my very high expectation. Not many of my friends went this year but it was kind of cool as I got to meet great new people. You know you had a good weekend when you walk away with a bunch of new friends.

This year Daisies really sold out and not in terms of ticket sales. Everything was sponsored, they even changed the branding to fit in with Black Label's colour scheme. So its a bit disappointing to know that they are making a fortune from us by charging a lot when you know they had most things sponsored. 

Civil Twilight was one of the highlights of my weekend, I didn't know their music before Daisies but they are my new favorite band after their amazing performance on Saturday night. Its a bold statement but they were better than Coldplay!

I spent about two hours (in the blazing sun) at the tiny Converse stage watching Deep Fried Man and Tall Ass Mo. Deep Fried Man played the guitar while Tall Ass Mo played the tambourine, they both made up songs about the strange people walking passed the stage (and at RTD their is no shortage of strange looking people), it was the funniest thing ever, they were very politically incorrect but it was so funny I was in tears most of the time. 

After the SA lost the rugby, the mood of the festival took a dive, everyone was devastated, it just went very quiet. We decided not to stay and listen to the music after the rugby as it was about 40deg and no one was in the mood to sit in the sun.

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